Estivales de la Question animale

Programme of the 2009 Estivales

A conference at the Estivales

The programme at of the Estivales is usually composed of conference-debates and of open debates. There are typically two such events each day. In the evenings a film or other more lightweight events may be proposed.

A more detailed presentation of each event can be found in the French section of this site.


  Morning Afternoon
Saturday 15 // Greeting of the participants
Sunday 16 « Faut-il promouvoir le véganisme ? Mode de vie et action politique » (“Should we promote veganism? Lifestyle and political action”)
collective debate introduced by Cécile Bourgain
(in French)
« Les enfants et la question animale » (“Children and the animal question”)
testimonies by parents, children and ex-children
(in French)
Monday 17 « L'esperienza di lotta della Coalizione contro la Vivisezione nelle Università in Italia: un approccio etico e politico alla sperimentazione animale » (“The experience of the struggle of the Coalition against vivisection in universities in Italy: an ethical and political approach to animal experimentation”)
Marco Reggio, animal liberation activist
(in Italian, with immediate translation into French)
Presentation of the Swiss collective Lausanimaliste
(in French)
Tuesday 18 « Austria: the repression of the animal liberation movement and the general situation of the animal struggle »
Martin Balluch, president of the Austrian association Verein Gegen Tierfabriken
(in English)
« Rêve d'animaux » (“Dreaming of animals”)
performance by David Myriam
Wednesday 19 « Transgenic silences? Some notes on mouse ethics in experimental practice »
Tora Holmberg, sociologist, researcher at the Uppsala university
(in English)
« La question de l'identité personnelle et sa pertinence pour la question animale » (“The issue of personal identity and its implications for the animal question”)
David Olivier, founder of the journal Les Cahiers antispécistes and animal liberation activist
(in French)
Thursday 20 « Antispécisme et anticapitalisme » (“Antispeciesism and anticapitalism”)
collective debate introduced by Agnese Pignataro
(in French)
« La planète sauvage » (“Fantastic Planet”)
film by René Laloux
Friday 21 « L'animal dans la philosophie millénaire de l'Inde et la contradiction avec l'Inde moderne »(“The animal in the age-old philosophy of India and the contradiction with westernized India ”)
Joëlle Verdier, speaker, translator and activist for animal rights
(in French)
« La libération animale : quelles stratégies ? » (“Animal liberation: what strategies”)
collective debate introduced by par Dominique Joron
(in French)
Saturday 22 Assessment the 2009 edition and perspectives //